Beacoland Survival Server Rules
Player Rules
1. Respect All Players & Team Members
We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech. Any use of slurs, derogatory language, toxicity, or harassment, whether directed at a person or not, will result in a ban. This includes usernames containing offensive or disrespectful terms.
2. No Griefing
Griefing of any kind is strictly prohibited. This includes altering, destroying, or modifying any builds, bases, or structures that do not belong to you. All builds are private unless explicitly marked otherwise.
3. No Stealing
Beacoland is a trust-based server with no land or chest claims. Do not take anything that does not belong to you. Chests, bases, farms, and shops are private unless clearly marked as “free” or “free to take.” Raiding bases or farms is not allowed under any circumstances.
4. Hacking & Mods
The use of hacked clients, X-ray, fly hacks, or any unfair advantage is prohibited. Abuse of the server seed or using unapproved mods is also not allowed.
See the list of pre-approved mods here: Beacoland Client-Side Mods.
5. No Duping (Except TNT)
The only allowed duplication is TNT duping. No other item duplication is permitted.
6. Consent-Based PvP
Beacoland is a co-op-based server, not a PvP server. You may not attack or kill another player unless they have given permission.
7. No Spamming or Advertising
- Spamming will result in a warning. If it continues, further action will be taken.
- Advertising other Minecraft servers, no matter their size, is strictly prohibited.
- You may share links to personal content (YouTube, Imgur, Reddit, etc.), but do not promote other servers in any way.
8. Team Members Have the Final Say
The rules are in place to keep Beacoland a safe, welcoming, and fun place for everyone. If something disrupts this, the team will handle it at their discretion.
Global Rules
9. English-Only in Global Chat
To ensure clear communication, only English is allowed in public chat.
- You may use other languages in private messages or local chat (
10. No Breaking or Building Within 500 Blocks of Spawn
- Do not mine, break trees, or alter the spawn area.
- Building at spawn is only allowed with permission and must be lag-friendly.
11. Respect Other Players’ Space
Build at least 200 blocks away from others unless you have permission.
12. Nether Portal Rules
- Nether tunnels must be a maximum of 9 blocks wide, including walls.
- Tunnels must be between the pillars of the main tunnel.
- Tunnels must not block ice boat paths and must have a slabbed entrance.
- All tunnels must be labeled with the resident’s name.
13. The End Island
- No mining the obsidian platform.
- The End is a public area—farms and builds require team approval.
14. Streaming & Recording
- All streamers and content creators must enable the LIVE tag (
). - This notifies other players that they may be recorded or streamed.
Lag Efficiency Rules
15. Villager Breeders & Trading Halls
- Max 30 villagers per hall, 3 per breeder.
- Villagers must be in 1×1 holding cells.
- Avoid excessive hoppers and redstone near trading halls.
- Build halls in unloaded chunks to reduce lag.
16. Large Farm Spacing
- Do not stack multiple large farms in a single area.
- Large farms must have an off switch and be spaced out.
- Avoid excessive hoppers—use chests, water streams, or droppers instead.
17. Gold & XP Nether Portal Farms
- Max 8 portal modules (23x23x23 each) or 82,000 portal blocks.
- Prevent excessive piglin accumulation to reduce lag.
18. Chunk Loaders
- Must be reported to a team member.
- Must have an off switch.
- Only one loader per player at a time.
- Should not run unattended for extended periods.
19. AFK-ing
- No AFK-ing at public farms.
- Private farm AFK-ing is fine if the farm is lag-friendly.
- If a farm is causing lag, a team member may kick players for testing.
Think “Us” Before “Me”
Beacoland is a shared experience. We all play a role in keeping the server running smoothly. If we work together to reduce lag, everyone benefits from better gameplay!