Minecraft/Discord Integration Guide

Minecraft/Discord Integration

To link your Minecraft account to Discord, follow these simple steps:

1. Join the server through:
2. Take that 4-digit code and direct message @B bot

This will link your Minecraft account to Discord

If you are unable to direct message B-Bot, make sure you allow direct messages from the Beacoland Discord

To do this, go to the drop down arrow next to “Beacoland” in the top left corner on Discord -> Privacy Settings -> Direct messages.

3. B-Bot should respond with:
  • “Your Discord account has been linked to…”

At this point you are good to go. Join the server and have fun!

If you get the following reply, double check you have entered the code correctly or generate another code by logging in:

  • “I don’t know of such a code, try again”


Before you do this, you need to apply and be granted the “Member” role.

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